Community: Parents Practicing Mindfulness
MBCP Spring 2019 Meet-up
SANGHA: We all gain from personal mindfulness practice, but are also buoyed by practicing in community. Our Mindful Birth Philadelphia alumni are an amazing group of people who share the experience of mindful birth and parenting. But mindfulness practice takes practice! This Sangha is here to support parents and parents-to-be. [For more info on what Sangha means read this article by Thich Nhat Hanh.]
Come and sit with us! Or lie in your bed. Or feed your baby. Or be your pregnant self. Come as you are, and practice in community. For those with children/toddlers/babies on the inside or outside.
Carol & Molly’s morning meditation sits are on hold as we try and navigate our tricky schedules. If you are not on the morning meditation list and want to be, please email us at
ONLINE COMMUNITY SPACE: Parents Practicing Mindfulness is an online community space for alumni of our classes (and others interested in participating who have background in mindfulness). The online community space is hosted by Molly & Carol, but built by parents who want to deepen their practice, apply it to parenthood, share their learning, and support one another. Membership in this online community is by invitation only. Please be in touch if you would like to get involved at
MBCP Spring 2020 Online Dads