‘Mindfulness’ - What is it?

Have you been seeing the word "Mindfulness" all over the media? Have you ever downloaded a mindfulness app, or been told you should? Maybe you already have a mindfulness practice, have taken a class, or use an app daily.  If you are wondering what this is all about—or you are familiar already—here are some useful video clips on mindfulness, mindful birth, mindful parenting & how people are using the practice to tackle almost everything.

The MBCP class was my first introduction to mindfulness-based anything. It brought me in slow and steady and has helped me more calmly approach aspects of my life and of my child.
— Mindful Birth & Parenting Philadelphia Alumnus

2.5 minutes: why mindfulness is a superpower.

with dan harris, of 10% happier.


12 minutes: intro by nancy bardacke, founder of mindfulness based childbirth and parenting on usefulness of mindfulness for birth.


3 MINutes: dan siegel, on how understanding our brain can improve our parenting and help our kids

12 minutes: anderson cooper with jon kabat-zinn on what is mindfulness based stress reduction (mbsr)?


22 minutes: mindfulness practice and how we can use it in our anti-racism work, by lawyer and author rhonda magee. from wisdom 2.0


9 minutes: video intro to mindfulness & parenting - the why and how, with mary ann christie burnside.

4 minutes: What is mindfulness meditation and how does it work? From Awake academy


1 minute: video on changing perspective - mindfulness for parents from headspace.


13 MINUTES: Daniel Goleman, on how even 10 minutes a day can train your brain